How to Not Make Things Worse When People Are Irritable
Download MP3Kate presents a simple approach to keeping things as positive as possible when people are irritable.
Irritability can create more stress in a relationship if it isn't managed well. When people are irritable, they respond less well to everything. Irritability is a sign of stress and anxiety. A generous response to irritability creates compassion and deepens intimacy. You probably can't make them less irritable, at least not immediately, but you can help things go as smoothly as possible. This one trick will help you keep things as positive as possible when people are irritable. This trick works even when you are the irritable person.
Irritability can create more stress in a relationship if it isn't managed well. When people are irritable, they respond less well to everything. Irritability is a sign of stress and anxiety. A generous response to irritability creates compassion and deepens intimacy. You probably can't make them less irritable, at least not immediately, but you can help things go as smoothly as possible. This one trick will help you keep things as positive as possible when people are irritable. This trick works even when you are the irritable person.